Why Being Open-Minded Has Huge Value
Submitted by Surina Sangha
“Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it’s open.” - Surina, Founder of @sudaracompany
Instagram Poster by Surina Sangha
Since birth, your life has been interpreted through an ‘I/Me’ lens, where you operate on the automatic belief that you are the center of the world – i.e. he cut ME off while driving, she lied to ME, that hurt MY feelings. Therefore, this constant, unconscious belief has set a precedent where we believe that our immediate needs and feelings ultimately determine the world’s priorities.
Overthinking and chronic stress feed into this lens by breeding deconstructive thoughts that are often beyond our control. This fear of a loss of autonomy often causes us to feel imprisoned by our own limiting thoughts. Open-mindedness paints a path towards awareness and consciousness where how you choose to construct meaning from your environmental stimuli establishes control over how and what you think.
Ultimately, open-mindedness has been the epitome of my exhaustive transition from a weak, deteriorating body to a full, thriving body – all through holistic practices, namely NIS (Neurological Integration System), that favour healing the body through ‘tapping’ and the aid of natural supplements. To a stranger, NIS looks like absolute quackery (i.e. using muscle testing to pose questions to your body and also elicit a response) but it has completely rid me of an amoeba parasite I incurred while in Guatemala, celiac disease (which is currently incurable to MD’s today), chronic and painful yeast infections, and a surplus of heavy metals in my body which increased my susceptibility towards the harmful effects of radiation.
By the time I stumbled upon my NIS practitioner, I had lost hope and was eternally desperate – I had exhausted all my other options of constant hospitalizations as my only conclusive result from an MD was: “You have low iron”. Above even feeling healthy now, being receptive to new (and possibly, skeptical) existences, like NIS, pushed forth a growth mindset in me that I’ve witnessed to be unmatched by others; in other words, it’s something unique to me.
Your ability to consider new knowledge and information through an open mind breeds a positive character quality where you become a critical thinker, rather than an emotionally driven reactor. Therefore, maybe the car that just cut you off was rushing to the hospital because the child in the backseat was having an allergic reaction. As highly unlikely as this sounds, it’s not impossible – it’s just your ‘decoding’ of the environment surrounding you.
Put this into practice and challenge yourself this week. Treat those who are good to you with goodness while also treating those who are not good to you with goodness. You might learn something from others that you didn’t expect.
You can follow Surina’s aromatherapy wellness business on Instagram at Sudara Company (@sudaracompany)
Additional Resources
Video: David Foster Wallace – ‘This is Water’ Commencement Speech
Book: The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles by Bruce Lipton